Tuesday 8 October 2013

         What I am Born to be Joy!

This Monday was a happy one for me. It has brought me my thirty minutes of true happiness. It has showed me again what I was born for. I am born to be an interpreter. I am born to bring the light of understanding where there is this loud darkness of silence. I'm born to be an invisible helper. I feel happy to switch my restless mind between different languages. 

I had my honour to be an interpreter for my friends from  the "Equal Opportunities" Club for people with disabilities in our city and English guests. It's funny - whenever I translate people's thoughts - I feel as if I can fly. I forget about my limits, my sorrows, my fear. I am just free. Like a fish in the ocean. 

I'm grateful to God for presenting me this day. For giving me this chance to choose the art of my love. For the English language. For angels on Earth like my friend Marianna. For strangers who smiled back at me without even knowing a single thing about me. For this miracle - my happy thirty minutes which is my happy eternity.

Happy me in Zaporizhzhia yesterday!

                                       Marinna's mom, Marianna and I  

Wednesday 2 October 2013

              To Be a Translator Joy...

30th of September is my holiday. I have the right to celebrate it since 2005 when I planted a seed of my big dream...of becoming a translator, someone who's supposed to connect people, like the electricity which connects cities, countries, continents...When I look back I can hardly believe I have graduated from the university, obtained my two diplomas, survived many sleepless nights, cuddling with cough and fever, getting butterflies in my stomach before each and every exam...and now it's been almost three years since I'm an officially a translator...
My work makes me tired, sometimes stressed and annoyed but it's like being in love with someone - even he drives you crazy at times or breaks your heart - you love him not a little less. So, that's the same about my art of love. I'm grateful to God for being what I am today. For having my tools - dictionaries, the Internet, Skype...and most important - people who inspire me to keep on learning, teaching and raising up after every fall. I'm happy to play with words and clear out the sky for someone. ;) I am happy to rescue people who're lost in this huge world of languages....